LapStacker Flex

Retractable carry system for your wheelchair.

With its tensioned, retractable, straps, Lapstacker Flex is simple and intuitive to both install and use. You pull the straps over your lap, clip the buckles together (over the item/s you’re carrying) and roll with confidence! When not in use, it tucks away – and when in use, it makes your life infinitely easier.

Makes it Easy!

Carrying items as a wheelchair user can be difficult and frustrating.

Pull the straps over your lap. Clip buckles together. Roll with confidence.


The Lapstacker weighs approx. 800 grams (1.76 lbs.).

Full details for all component dimensions and weights are available here.


Warranty: Designed and made to last, with a lifetime warranty.

Is the LapStacker suitable for quadriplegics (tetraplegics)?



The LapStacker has finger loops to aid in pulling the straps over your lap. This is particularly useful for those with reduced hand function such as quadriplegics.

Also, the Buckles have a built in magnet that guides the two sides together so all you have to do is get them close and they’ll join like magic!

If for some reason it doesn’t work for your level of function you can send it back for a refund.




Is it easy to install?



The Lapstacker has a detailed step by step installation guide and comes with the fasteners and allen keys necessary to install it yourself.

Think of it as a mini lego challenge, only useful. We’ve had some people say it was easy, and others say it took them a while to figure it out.

We’re here to help if you need us, but think you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of working it out for yourself.




Will it be in the way of my brakes?



The Lapstacker can work with many different types of brakes, including scissor style brakes.




Why not just use a bungee cord?



We’re glad you asked!

Here’s some reasons why a Lapstacker is so much better than a bungee:

  1. A bungee is not neatly by your side all the time ready when needed.
  2. A bungee creates point loads which can cause damage to fragile items such as paper.
  3. A bungee will create uneven tension depending on the height of object.
  4. The Lapstacker® has 2m of webbing and can lock in any position.
  5. A bungee has a nasty hook that can release and cause damage.
  6. A bungee needs to be stowed somewhere.
  7. A bungee takes a lot longer to hook on and off than the Lapstacker.
  8. A bungee looks like a bungee – do you want to use it when you’re at a nice dinner or at work?
  9. A bungee will wear out quickly as elasticity breaks down.
  10. Hooking a bungee for a quadriplegic could be difficult whereas the Lapstacker has finger loops and a magnetic latch for each of use by someone with limited hand function.
  11. The round nature of a bungee means there is less surface area to grip the items and it is prone to slipping.

We invented the Lapstacker because a bungee is far from ideal.

For a bungee vs Lapstacker comparison click here.




What comes in the box?



A LapStacker is made from 5 component sets and each box comes complete with the following:

  • 2x Retractors (these contained the tensioned straps)
  • 2x Brackets (for holding the Retractors in place)
  • 2x Clamps incl. fastener set (for attaching the Brackets to the frame)
  • 1x Magnetic Buckle Set (for joining the straps together)
  • 2x Keepers ( these hold the Buckles and straps at your side)