Standing is a great way to improve your child’s outlook on the world and their physical development.
Children gain huge psychological advantages from standing, as well as the following important physical and development benefits:
Improves blood pressure and circulation
Helps digestion, bowel and bladder emptying
Encourages bone and muscle development
Gives a new perspective and ways to participate
Aids respiration and speech
Helps relieve pressure created during sitting
Supports pelvis, thighs and feet so children can join in everyday activities
Provides opportunities to increase social skills
Who needs a standing frame?
Standing frames are successful to stand children, adolescents and adults who have
- Cerebral Palsy (Spastic Quadriplegics, Dystonia, Athetoid)
- Spina-Bifida
- Paraplegia
- Tight Plantar-Flexors
- Mild hip and knee tightness contractures
Standing Benefits Poster
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and as a general resource for clinicians and suppliers.
It is not intended to be used as, or as a substitute for, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Clinicians should rely on their own professional medical training when providing medical advice or treatment,
and should consult a range of different information sources before making decisions about the diagnosis or treatment of any person.
Your use or reliance on this information is at your own risk.