Medifab’s most adjustable, configurable and growable special purpose car seat. 
The Complete Vehicle Safety System
Medifab is pleased to provide the most comprehensive special purpose car seat we’ve every introduced for children and teenagers, providing various kinds of extension accessories and multi-adjustable features to allow longer use by the child and to suit the wide spectrum of children’s needs.
The Carrot 3000 is one of the safest child seats in the world, catering for safety and the importance of keeping the child in a safe and supported posture for travel and was was designed, engineered and built to provide optimal positioning & safety for children with insufficient head, trunk, and pelvic stability.
Huge growth to suit infants to older children
Carrot 3000 has a wide growth-adjusting range which extends the range of users from infants to older children through use of extension accessories. Angle and depth adjustable seat and backrest, along with postural support options, make the precise tailoring of the seat for each child possible.
The Carrot 3000’s ‘body contouring’ design holds the child in a centered and secure position to ensure optimum support and safety during transport. Ergonomic head support provides added positioning and security.
Shoulder Protector Wings
An optional safety device for a child with shoulder height more than 45 cm, holding the body to protect child from side impacts or centrifugal forces.
Reclining Function
Carrot 3000 has a free reclining back angle, which can be opened in combination with the vehicle seat backrest.
The large anterior chest-support of the Carrot 3000 provides additional support at the front of the child.
Is your child too large for the Carrot 3000? The Carrot XL car seat accommodates larger users whose measurements fall outside the Carrot 3000 Specifications.
Q: Is the Carrot 3000 Car Seat approved for Airline Travel?
A: No standard exists regarding car seats and airline travel. Please check with your travel agent/airline as to whether they approve the Carrot 3000 Car Seat to be taken on the flight. You can also reference our Knowledge Base entry for further details.
Q: Can the Carrot 3000 Car Seat be fittted to a swivel base?
A: Yes, the vehicle must have ISOFIX connection points for the swivel base to be installed. The swivel base is supplied with a foot prop which should also extend to make contact with the follow of the car footwell.
Q: What are the most important measurements when prescribing a Carrot 3000?
A: Shoulder height & Seat Depth of the user. User weight must also be between the minimum 13.9 kg and maximum 49 kg.
Q: Which footplate size do I need?
A: The users lower leg length measurement is used to determine which size footplate is needed.
Q: What do I do if the footplates are loose?
A: Ensure the adjustment nut is tight.
Q: When should the Shoulder Growth Wings be used?
A: When shoulder height is greater than 45 cm and where more shoulder support/protection is required.
Q: The child is growing out of their Carrot-3000 car seat, what accessories should I add first?
A: The backrest infill pads should be added under the backrest unless the client shoulder height in sitting is more than 45cm. The Shoulder Growth Wings are then the correct accessory to add to obtain correct shoulder strap height. Seat Depth inserts can be added for the correct seat depth length. These come in two versions; rodded or clip-on depending on whether you have a footplate installed.
Q: How do I adjust the 5- point shoulder harness?
A: The grey strap at the front of the seat can be used to tighten the 5-poiunt harness. The red lever at the front of the seat base can be used to loosen the harness.
Q: How do I adjust the chest pad?
A: Pulling the black strap at the front of the seat adjusts the anterior chest pad lower. They yellow lever at the front of the seat base allows the adjustment of the chest pad higher.
Q: What should be done if the user escapes from their car seat?
A: There are 2 harness buckle options available to support children who will otherwise remove themselves from the car seat.
Q: What should be done if the user has poor head control?
A: A tilt edge can be added below the Carrot 3000 which provides 20 degrees of tilt to the seat. Adjustment of the anterior chest pad height can also be used to provide more trunk support and a tray table can be used to provide upper limb support.
Q: Do I need to use the seat belt?
A: Carrot 3000 must ALWAYS be used with the vehicle seatbelt.
Q: What are the 2 black straps at the rear of the Carrot-3000’s back support?
A: Two fixing straps are provided with the Carrot 3000 as standard and can be fastened around the vehicle seat backrest either horizontally or vertically. Use of these straps is optional and intended to provide stability during transfers.
Q: I find the covers too hard to wash regularly, is there a solution?
A: Yes! A wipe-down cover for the front chest pad is available. There is also a removable cover available for the seat base. If needed, fixed wipe-down covers are available for the seat base and back support.