Meet Elijah Lemon, a 10 year old from Wellington, New Zealand, and the proud owner of a Houdini 27 harness and a Kidslover car seat from Medifab!

Elijah was born with Prune Belly Syndrome which results in the lack of abdominal muscles and kidney issues. The lack of muscles means he doesn’t have the same trunk control as other people, not allowing him to sit straight without the use of supports. Until he is older and taller and his feet can touch the floor in a vehicle, the safest way to travel is either harnessed in his car seat, his wheelchair, or the Houdini Harness.

Recently whilst travelling around Wellington on the new double decker buses, Elijah had an interesting experience.

Elijah was enjoying his trip on the bus, however since he was travelling in his wheelchair that had to be tied down and it could only be tied down facing the rear of the bus, he couldn’t see out! The picture below shows Elijah riding backwards on the bus.

When the drivers realised he couldn’t see out the windows, they came after their shift and helped lift him upstairs!

He spent the rest of the trip up the top at the front, using his Houdini flight harness to keep him supported in the bus seat!

Elijah’s mother purchased the harness to assist when flying domestic flights. It’s easy and intuative design means it is a great option for travelling where installing and removing is required.

“I love how easy the harness is to install in planes…and the occasional double decker!”

– Elijah’s Mother