Meet Doris, a radiant four-year-old whose infectious smile can brighten even the darkest days. Doris faces the challenges of lissencephaly, a rare genetic condition that comes with several physical and learning disabilities, including epilepsy. But despite these hurdles, she exudes happiness and possesses a smile that is nothing short of magical, never failing to light up a room!

Doris’s world is filled with music, dancing and a fascination with lights. She’s a bundle of joy who can roll, reach for her favourite toys, and adores her two big sisters.

After trying out multiple chairs, Doris’ journey took a remarkable turn when her devoted mother, Alexandra, discovered the Spex Wonderseat. In her own words, Alexandra describes it as “hand on heart, the best for us”. The Wonderseat provides Doris with unparalleled support, comfort, and happiness.

Doris’s epilepsy adds complexity to her daily life. Her muscle tone and control can fluctuate dramatically throughout the day, with Alexandra describing Doris as being like two children – ‘non-seizure Doris’ and ‘seizure Doris’. She goes from being quite strong and holding her head up, to being very floppy. This requires a seating solution such as Wonderseat that adapts to her changing needs throughout the day.

Newfound freedom with Wonderseat

A specialist recommended Wonderseat by Spex to the family, and Alexandra says that our UK product specialist, Ross, was super helpful. “Ross measured her old chair and got it pretty much ‘spot on’ the first time. Instantly, Doris was sitting wonderfully, and she was smiling,” says Alexandra. “Her hips were straight, her spine was straight, and she was very comfortable. We went straight out in it that day, and she was so happy.”

For Mum Alexandra, a stand-out feature is the ease of transferring Doris into position, from the quick-release armrests and pommel to the Swing-Away Lateral Supports. The wide, soft, and height-adjustable armrests support Doris’s arms when she has seizures. And if Doris pushes herself out of position during a seizure, her Mum or Dad can get her back into position without having to move her completely. Another fab child and mum-friendly feature is the super lightweight tray, as it’s smooth, easy to clean and Doris loves stroking it.

The adaptability of the Spex Wonderseat is a bonus too. “I’ve met lots of families on this journey, and each child is so different, but I do believe that the Wonderseat would mould to each child’s needs,” says Alexandra, who has already recommended it to many other families. To Alexandra and her family, the Spex Wonderseat means freedom and comfort. “Knowing that we can take her out more, that we can tilt her, and she is supported and safe…that’s a huge, huge weight off our minds.”


Each day brings new challenges for Doris and her family. But despite this, there is still fun and smiles to be had every day, with Doris shining a light on even the littlest joys in life.


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