
Paediatric wheelchair seating, simplified.

Designed with paediatrics in mind, common challenges are solved with a small wheelchair system that is designed to work as one.

Wonderseat Bounce has been designed for children who require a moderate to low level of postural support in sitting. These are children who will typically be transferring in and out of their wheelchairs with support from parents and caregivers but who may require some postural support when in their chair for a long period of time.

Wonderseat Bounce provides a low to moderate level of postural support, with less moving parts and swing-away options to ensure durability.

Wonderseat Bounce offers a lower level of support compared to Space; however, it is not an active user system and care should be taken if considering this system for a child who is self-propelling their wheelchair.

Available in two sizes:

Size 0: 6 months to 5 years old.

Size 1: 4 – 10 years old

Welcome to a
World of Wonder!

Welcome to Mount Wonder; a majestic, magical place where the fabulous and friendly Wonderprint families roam.

Here, dreams billow, adventure beckons and everyone is welcome.

Meet the

The Wonderseat characters are courageous, strong and daring. You’ll find them roaming around the base of Mount Wonder, foraging for magic berries, playing in crystal clear streams, scheming for adventures and building huts.

They love nothing more than encouraging people to be brave and finding their inner strengths.

The Wonderseat Wonderprints have bold colours and shapes to reflect their big, positive personalities.


Bounce is the Wonderprint pal that comes with the Wonderseat Bounce seating system.

This loyal buddy is here to cheer you on, lift you up and keep you entertained.


Space is the Wonderprint pal that comes with Wonderseat Space seating system.

The lovable friend is curious, courageous and tons of fun.

Install on
Different Frames!


Despite the Wonderseat Bounce being designed with manual wheelchairs such as folding and rigid frame chairs in mind, it can be installed on a range of different frames, including tilt-in-space wheelchairs.

Chair Compatibility
Introduction to Wonderseat
Wonderseat Bounce
Wonderseat Features