From Teagan’s mother…

The Gravity Chair has made a tremendous difference in improving the quality of life of our handicapped daughter, Teagan. It is by far the most comfortable chair she owns; it’s like a big, soft hug around her. Not only is she relaxed and happy in the chair, it is low to the ground, allowing her to interact and play with her younger brother. We credit the Gravity Chair with the fact that her brother now walks up to her, strokes her hair, and kisses her on her cheek. That is priceless.

From Teagan’s Physical Therapist…

The Gravity Chair has made such a positive impact in Teagan and her Family’s life! As a Physical Therapist, one of our main goals is to achieve optimal positioning, with the use of equipment, for the health of many body systems including respiratory, neurologic, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, renal, immune and digestive systems. The Gravity Chair easily assures we are addressing these medical needs for Teagan. The Gravity Chair allows Teagan to be in a comfortable, upright and supportive position which not only helps her medically and physically, she is able to participate socially with her one year old brother, Simon, as well as have more access to her toys, people and sensory experiences to advance her cognitive and communication skills. The chair itself is designed to give head, lateral and pelvic support without the addition of bulky, obtrusive trunk laterals, chest harness, pelvic straps, etc.. as Amanda expressed “it’s like a big, soft hug around her”. It is also so nice to have only one safety belt for ease of transfers, a mobile base and incline when needed.

I really appreciate all that you have done for Teagan and her Family! Without sharing Teagan’s specific medical needs in the testimony, the Gravity Chair has been a “life saver” for her.